
Visita al Cosmo Caixa de 5è i 6è

Els alumnes de 5è i 6è han participat en dos tallers del Cosmo Caixa aquest mes de novembre.
El divendres 4 al matí els alumnes de 5è van anar al taller "Viu les matemàtiques" i el divendres 25  els alumnes de 6è van assistir al taller "A ritme d’ombres i xifres".
Tots van poder  gaudir de les matemàtiques des d'una vessant més practica i manipulativa.


Our Canadian friends Thorn and Teag greet our 5th grade students through Skype

We have had an unforgettable experience with two 10-year-ol-twin Canadian students: Thorns and Teag. They are Chloe’s brothers. Chloe is our English language assistant for 2016-2017 academic year.

6th graders have prepared some questions and have interviewed them at home with mum at 6.00 AM Canada time (3.00 PM Spain time). They were just awakened but were really motivated and even have make questions to our students.

It has been a real way of using English as a powerful communicative tool to know and learn about other people and realities.
We have agreed to repeat this experience once Christmas holiday will have passed.

Skype between Churchdrive Primary School and Escola Enric Farreny

This Wednesday 9th November at 11.00 AM (10.00AM in the UK) students from Churcdrive and Enric Farreny schools have exchange their our written productions. English students have described themselves in Spanish and afterwards sutdents from Lleida have read their compositions “This is me”.
Their teachers, Lindsey and Ramon, are very proud and happy with this experience and their students will go on next week describing their own schools.


El Força Lleida Basket juga amb els alumnes de cinquè

Avui, dijous 3 de novembre de 2016 dos representants del cos tècnic i dos jugadors professionals del Actel Força Lleida han fet una visita als alumnes de 5è. 
El delegat del club ha realitzat una breu xerrada sobre els valors i els hàbits relacionats amb l'esport. Els jugadors Marc i Garrett han estat entrevistats en anglès pels nens i nenes de la classe. I per finalitzar, han pogut fer un partit amb els jugadors professionals.